posted in: Faith | 2

Philippians 4:13 NIV – I can do all this through him who …gives me strength.

If you are from the ‘baby boomer’ generation like I am, it may have taken you a little effort to know the language of texting. Just one touch on a letter can present to you a few letters that mean something in ‘txt’ language. For example, we do know ‘lol’ represents laugh out loud. But, do you know what these common ‘txt’ abbreviations are? Please let me know!!






We are living in such a shorthand world that sometimes we even talk in shorthand! Have we have become a people so rushed that we cannot say a complete word if it is more than 2 syllables! Whatev!

I say ‘cream’ for ice cream, ‘coff’ for coffee, ‘Sam’s’ for Sam’s Club, and for the most part my husband knows what I am saying! We even refer to movements by their front letters, (BLM) and important people by their 3 initials such as, RBG for Ruth Bader Ginsberg and ACB for Amy Coney Barrett. Recently I heard an acronym for something I want to focus on, and remember!

IGWM In God We Must! It is a little spin on the phrase that is stamped on our coins. I would like this new one to be stamped on our hearts! In God We Must is more that a catch phrase, it is a philosophy about life. It is a motivator when we feel like all is lost and we cannot give another ounce. It is the foundation that lives are built on.

In 2014 a young man diagnosed with type 1 diabetes needed money for his medical supplies and medicine. He lost his job, and benefits just before being diagnosed with this life threatening illness. With that acronym running around in his brain, he began making and selling jewelry. With a LOT of hard work and diligence, and help from his family and friends, he was able to turn that acronym into a powerful statement. It is a statement about the strength within John Elijah Richards, about The God who is working with him, and…The God who will work with us when we run to him for help. See, when John was diagnosed with type 1 diabetes, he knew he would die without the medication. He knew it was up to God to help him, but up to John to do the hard work! And he did. Now this is the name of his business that makes more than just jewelry. It is also the name of a movement we can get behind and allow it to motivate our every movement in life. IN GOD WE MUST… The verb you put after that acronym can be the word that gets you going each day. It is for John!

Check out his web site and business at igwm.co…..not a typo, it is just .co

Hey, let me know those txt words! K?

2 Responses

  1. Nancy

    I don’t care
    By the way
    See you later
    Let me know by close of business
    (My daughter helped)

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