Living on the Street!

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Matthew 6:22-23 (ESV) 22

 “The eye is the lamp of the body. So, if your eye is healthy, your whole body will be full of light,23 but if your eye is bad, your whole body will be full of darkness. If then the light in you is darkness, how great is the darkness!

Have you been down town Scranton recently? That big mall that has stores and health facilities, the aquarium and even a train museum behind it hides a secret! I am sure you have enjoyed the parades on city streets for special holidays, and the many restaurants around the down town. How about the Italian festival on the courthouse square? The re-furbishing of the downtown area has been beautiful. Nearby is Cony Island restaurant was put on the map in an episode of ‘The Office’, Scranton’s recent claim to fame, before Biden, of course!

Not so far away from all of these beautiful buildings and facilities, people are living on riverbanks near railroad tracks! Yes, riverbanks. Over on Olive St., across from the stadium and the Geisinger facility, is a little known rescue center. It is Keystone Mission. I have had the honor of meeting the C.E.O. and Executive Director, Justin Behrens. I am a friend of several people who work there, or volunteer there. These people are also front-line heroes. In their recent newsletter a 17 year old boy was featured. He went to the shelter seeking food, but received so much more! Diligent staff saw that he was not acting ‘normal’. When they sat and talked with him they realized that he believed he was the brother of a marvel character and his mother was in space waiting for him to meet her. Obviously he had an un-diagnosed mental illness, and was living on the street without full mental ability, or any support.

After the staff fed him and gave him some new clothes, they called Children and Youth. Once he was brought to their attention, he received the mental help he needed, they found him temporary home and proper help.

He is just one of several situations they face daily-right within walking distance of the mall!

Meet Ann Marie, she was a guest who struggled with schizophrenia. She believed everyone was out to get her! Once the staff at the Rescue were involved, they helped her get the medical help and medication she needed, they fed and clothed her, and provided refuge. Most important, they told her about God. She is now working full-time, living independently, with a room-mate, (another guest from the shelter).

How does all this happen you might ask? Well, they are sustained by donations from us! No government intervention. Government has too many restrictions about sharing the Good News of the Gospel…the source of their help.

If this short story, one of many, tugged at your heart, if you go to the mall or the stadium, or even drive by the high school and something reminds you of the people living on the riverbank, please say a prayer-and send a donation! It is still winter, so blankets would be a good donation as well. On very cold days the staff go out looking for the homeless living on the river and getting them to shelter-before they freeze to death! I talked to a man down at the mission who told me both of his legs had frostbite, before he was found.

Mental illness is just one of the 5 reasons a person may become homeless. I am reminded of people in the Bible that had mental problems. Jesus did not cast them aside, He touched and healed them.I am also reminded that He told us what we did for the least-we did for Him! Even small amounts of money or donations of warm coats and blankets, will go a long way in showing God’s love to someone in need.

Tell me what you think!

Keystone Mission is located at 8 W. Olive St. in Scranton. You can get more information about how you can bless them at:

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