Sunny Sunday Suddenly

posted in: Promises of God, Uncategorized | 2

Do you ever wonder how such an ordinary day can devolve into a confusing mess in just a few short minutes? Well, I did on Sunday while I was sitting in the ER watching my husband resting comfortably with an IV in his arm. I was sitting in a very uncomfortable chair nearby, thankful!

That morning was like most Sunday’s. I was rushing to be ready on time to go to church. My Mom was with us, well, that’s not ordinary. The elevator to her 3rd floor apartment was not working. She would not be able to walk the three flights, so she was staying with us. I came out of the shower to face my husband, pale and doubled over in pain. I knew it was a kidney stone. He had had this happen twice before but we had been keeping a close eye on his water intake and citrus intake trying to keep those little demons from forming. How does just 2 mm of calcium cause that amount of pain? I don’t know, but I hate watching him go through this pain while I stand by-helpless!

Helpless! The words rang over and over in my head. Well, I did call for the ambulance. I did get his things together to go to the hospital. I did call out to God! I was not as helpless as I thought. Once I had all his care done, I called my prayer warriors to get busy calling out for his healing. The ambulance came in a timely manor. They were able to administer a shot to dull the pain, and he was whisked away to the hospital for further care.

I stood at the front door as they drove off. What do I do now? I finished getting ready. That was the ‘next’ thing. I called the hospital asking about covid-19 restrictions. Good, I was able to go sit with him in the ER. That is an awful place to be alone. I called our son to pick up his Baba for church. Each time I thought to myself, ‘just do the next thing’.

In any type of crisis that is my ‘go to’ phrase; do the next thing. It might be a phone call, a coat, a breakfast, or even just get dressed. When your mind is trained to focus on ‘the next thing’ you are more likely to handle the crisis much better.

I could sit waiting with him with my attention on his needs as I had all the extended situations under control. !. prayer warriors notified 2. sons notified 3. dinner instructions given to my daughter -in-love 4. all paperwork and hubbys things packed to go 5. wait and pray!

You may be asking; ‘Why do I need, or even want to know these things?’ Glad you asked! I believe we all are going to have ‘suddenlies’ in our lives. Though they are not really the kind of event you can prepare for, they still have have to be dealt with. Having some preparation for them is a huge blessing when you are faced with the unforeseen. This was the fifth time I had to face an ambulance with my husband, so I am a little more confident that I am doing the right things. First stay calm! A stressed person wringing their hands while someone is in so much pain they cannot think, will not help! Then, think ahead. Who would I like to be praying for this situation? Who should be notified? What paperwork do I need to bring? What do I need for myself (I have diabetes, therefore I am always prepared for a long haul in a hospital).

We will all face another ‘suddenly’ at some point, if the Lord does not return in our lifetime. That is the big one we need to be prepared for! CHRIST’S RETURN! There is only one thing we need to do to prepare for His return…ask Him into our heart! When He is daily walking with us, the ‘suddenly’ of His return will be a glorious time! Personally, I can hardly wait!

How about you?

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