Happy PURIM! Did You Think This Was the Month For St. Patrick’s Day!

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Esther 4:14-16  

For if you remain completely silent at this time, relief and deliverance will arise for the Jews from another place, but you and your father’s house will perish.

Here’s a riddle for you: Question: In what book of the Bible is God’s provision and protection expressed, but His name is never used?

Think about that for a minute while I tell you about a young beautiful woman who was kidnapped from her home and her only family, a cousin, and taken to the King’s palace to be groomed for a beauty contest. Hadassah, a Jewish, girl, was kidnapped and taken from her cousin, Mordecai, to Persia (now Iran). Apparently the king needed a new queen and this was his way of getting the most beautiful girl in the kingdom, without the wooing and waiting process.

After a long process of beauty treatments for the young women who had been kidnapped (most of them believing it to be an honor to be in the king’s harem), the day arrived when they would parade in front of the king and one girl would be chosen to become the new queen! Of course, this woman would have everything she ever wanted-and more. Still Hadassah wanted to go home to her cousin, her culture and her God!

Sure enough, she was chosen! She was taken to the King’s palace, given a crown, and all that goes with being the Queen of Persia. Her cousin stayed in close contact with her, observing outside the palace for an opportunity to communicate with her.

One of the times when her cousin was watching for her, he overheard of a plot by Haman, the King’s second in command, that would have all of her race, the Jews, killed! Mordecai immediately got a message to her and a series of events that could only have been orchestrated by God, began! Queen Esther (her Persian name), was reluctant to impose her information to the King. He could have had her killed, just for asking to see him, her husband, if he was in a foul mood. Cousin Mordecai has the words of wisdom that cause her to risk her life and ask for an audience with the King! (read them above)

As God ordained it, the king saw her, he listened to her, and because of her intervention, the entire Jewish race as we know it, was spared! Now that is cause for celebration, don’t you think? You can read this great story in the book of Esther.

As often happens Purim and St. Patrick’s Day are in the same month. I could not help but see the similarities between these two people who obeyed God and spared a race of people as the result! Patrick was also kidnapped from his country of birth, yet still did what God directed him to do. Patrick was an awesome man of God who brought the truth of Jesus Christ to Ireland. He used the three-leaf clover to tell the story of the trinity to children. Yes, he is also a good reason to celebrate, but not in the way our perverted society has done! In fact, even the clover had a 4th leaf added to it and began being called ‘the luck of the Irish. Patrick used the 3 leaves to tell us the story of the Trinity. That is truth-4 leaves is a perversion the enemy invented, along with a ‘pot ‘o gold’ leprechauns, and a day of drinking green beer!

Purim is a joyful celebration. To celebrate, the book of Esther is brought out and read in the synagogue. When the villain’s name (Haman) is read, everyone boos, stamps their feet and shakes noisemakers. Whenever Mordecai is mentioned, everyone cheers! A special 3 cornered cookie is made symbolizing Haman’s 3 cornered hat. It is Hamantaschen (notice, Haman is the name in the cookie name). Of course, my two grandchildren and me and hubby, made some! Below is the recipe. Yummy! Easy to make, and a real reminder that we have the Jews, God’s chosen people, because Haman’s plot was exposed and he was killed! Try them with your favorite jam…and children!

Once again we are facing a madman in Russia, AND an ungodly cult in Gaza/Iran who seeks to dissolve a race of people, again. We need to pray; Lord, we need another exposure today in our world of deadly force against Ukraine, as it enters the 2nd year of fignting, and ISRAEL as she is once again attacked for her position near to the heart of God.!

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