Exodus From Darkness Part 8

posted in: Salvation | 0

In this, the last installment of Dr. Daniel Shayesteh’s expose about Islam, he does give us some pretty explicit material, though he does it in a gentle way. Please understand that true, Muslim’s that live by the Quran…follow these words, … Continued


posted in: Obedience | 0

Matthew 6: 16 Be careful,” Jesus said to them. “Be on your guard against the yeast of the Pharisees.” I wonder if you are thinking that yeast is an odd subject for a blog in an ‘encouraging’ website. Maybe-maybe not. … Continued


posted in: opinion blog | 0

Bread! I don’t know how you grew up, but in my Russian home, bread was made weekly. In my husband’s Italian home…same thing! I can still smell that warm yeasty aroma as I walked in the door from school! The … Continued